Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Network Marketing Tip for Newbies

by Marcy Amaro

Network marketing
can be a very exciting, challenging and rewarding business. In fact, if done properly, it can be one if the most lucrative careers any one person can undertake. But, the competition is fierce, and the learning curve very steep. But, don't despair; this network marketing tip can help even the greenest of newbies get started the right way.
Anticipation and Excitement
Any new undertaking creates a heap of anticipation and excitement. You have made a life-changing decision to become a network marketer. After all, you've seen the testimonials. The internet is a mine and we are in the middle of a gold rush! There are plenty of success stories out there and plenty more to be written. Why can't yours be among them? Right?
The Overwhelm
A few days go by, and you start to see the other side of network marketing. There's competition around every corner. Some niches are so saturated, you feel like there is no way you could ever leave your mark. You study and research, and every time you turn, you are slapped with yet another acronym or catchy term to understand, study and master. SEO, PPC, Spiders, Organic Placement, Social Media, Banners, Blogs, Keywords, . . . The list goes on and on! How will you ever make it? What have you gotten yourself into?
First of all, breathe! Others have done it, and so can you! The first thing to keep in mind is that it is not rocket science, in spite of what it might feel like right now. Remember how you felt, or still feel, at your job. You probably felt quite familiar and comfortable with the work you did before. How did that make you feel? Pretty horrible, right? That's why you're even contemplating such a dramatic change in the first place. Nothing great comes out of feeling comfortable. Uneasiness and discomfort are the seed of greatness. So, if you feel overwhelmed, then, good! You are ready for the one tip that will help you sort all this out, as it did me.
The Secret
Here's my best network marketing tip for newbies: FOCUS. Robert Kyosaki uses the word focus to mean the following: Follow One Course Until Successful. What does that mean for you? Well, take an hour or two to find the basic concept behind the major marketing strategies (PPC, SEO, Banner Advertising, Social Media Marketing, etc.). Read through a basic description of what each strategy entails. Review possible costs, risks, and benefits. (If your business does not offer training on these, a simple Google search will give you plenty of data to go by). Then, pick no more than 2 strategies that you find appealing. Commit to learning as much as you can on those 2 strategies, and ONLY those 2 strategies. As you learn something new about your chosen marketing methods, implement it immediately. Do not wait to feel comfortable or to fully understand. Just do it!
Stick to the one or two strategies you have chosen until you make progress with them and feel so comfortable using them that you could easily teach them to someone else. Only then should you even consider dabbling in something else. Become an expert and a master in your chosen strategy. You'll look back at this initial frantic stage and laugh at how scared you were. You will also feel incredibly proud at how far you've come!

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Copywriting Tips To Improve Your Online Business

by Scott Ewart

Once an entrepreneur has taken the bull by the horns and started his or her own home based business, the time has begun to tackle all of the little tasks that go along with it. One of these-- and one that some people seem to fear more than many others --is copywriting. Tips for creating effective copy for your company's Internet
presence can only help you to manage a better and more effective interface with clients and other businesses.

After all, let's face it, in the modern business world it is most often the copy on your website that is read first.

Create Copy That Interacts With People

The first task in writing good copy for your website is to make the content seem interesting and lively. So much of what people read on the Internet can be dry as melba toast, and it can actually help your cause to make your information just a little bit blustery, just to keep things lively.

Using hyperbole to make a point is not a bad decision-- in fact, it can add to the readability of your text. In addition, you will want the reader to feel that he or she is being spoken with, directly. The best way to manage this is to use the word "YOU" as opposed to referring to things in the third person (they, he, she, etc.). Once the potential client feels directly addressed in your content, he or she may be less likely to click away from the information before completing it.

Start (And Deliver) With A Bang

Any copy that needs to reach the clientele will need to have a hook, so it is a good idea to never underestimate the power of a good headline. Yes, it is the shortest part of your copy… but it is also the segment that will determine whether most potential clients ever even decide to look at the rest of the content.

Find the most important part of what you are trying to tell the customer, and LEAD them into it with the headline. From that point, once you have their attention, you can use your interactive writing to keep them occupied. Most experts agree that copy on your website should generally be written at about an 8th grade reading level, so as to make the content accessible to a wide variety of potential customers.

Don't Stop Writing!

Some people feel very uncomfortable with writing their own copy, while others have a definite knack for it. Even if it doesn't seem to come as easily, one of the best things that you can do for the sake of your company's website is to keep writing copy for it.

You may not even use all of it, and you may only use your own copy for certain elements of the business, but it will help to give you ownership of your company… and it will definitely lead you to become a better copywriter at the same time. Most importantly, it places the stamp of your written personality there for the client to interact with.

(ArticlesBase SC #1915251)

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Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Organizational Culture and Its Importance

The contemporary definition of Organizational Culture includes what is valued; the leadership style, the language and symbols, the procedures and routines, and the definitions of success that characterizes an organization. It is a specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization.
Here, organizational values are beliefs and ideas, about, what kinds of goals members of an organization should pursue and the appropriate kinds or standards of behavior organizational members should use to achieve these goals. From organizational values develops organizational norms, guidelines or expectations that prescribe appropriate kinds of behavior by employees in particular situations and control the behavior of organizational members towards one another.
In the past 25 years, the concept of organizational culture has gained wide acceptance as a way to understand human systems. From an open system perspective, each aspect of organizational culture can be seen as an important environmental condition affecting the system and its subsystem. Increased competition, globalization, mergers, acquisitions, alliances, and various workforce departments have created a greater need for organizational culture. Thus, it has become an important pattern for the organization's development.
Below are important key ingredients of Organizational Culture:
It focuses attention on the human side of organizational life, and finds significance and learning in even its most ordinary aspects.
It clarifies the importance of creating appropriate systems of shared meaning to help people work together toward desired outcomes.
It requires members especially leaders, to acknowledge the impact of their behavior on the organization's culture.
It encourages the view that the perceived relationship between an organization and its environment is also affected by the organization's basic assumptions.
Organizational culture is possibly the most critical factor determining an organization's capacity, effectiveness, and longevity. It also contributes significantly to the organization's brand image and brand promise.
Organizational Culture creates energy and momentum. The energy will permeate the organization and create a new momentum for success.
The above-mentioned relevance of organizational culture supports the proposition that, in this competitive and globalized corporate scenario, there is huge need of organizational development strategy at various workforce departments, as this can improve the company's culture. Thus, to fulfill organizations development needs, Organizational Culture Center is the better option! With its outstanding services, OCC provides meaningful responses to the company's wants, needs and values. Its services range from Workshop, Speaking to Consulting and Coaching.
OCC, Workshop and Speaking service teach cultural enhancement programs to the attendees to improve their cultural effectiveness. It educates current and emerging leaders on issues related to organizational culture. Besides, its associates work parallel with leaders at every level of the organization by engaging and training them to understand workplace culture and to assume their responsibilities as the cultural leaders of their own individual subcultures.
Organizational Culture Center's thirty years of experience of building culture, combined with VisionLink process, provides a complete guideline of six critical elements of workplace cultural effectiveness with the power of strategic mapping and the balanced scorecard. This proven and highly effective leadership concept brings about a direct linkage between the activities and measurements of every associate at every level of the organization with the vision and strategy of the enterprise as a whole.
Thus, the Organizational Culture Center with all its services has improved the culture of many organizations and has also proved to be the first choice of many of the organizations. It has brought wisdom and passion to the consulting arena and has been an extremely effective process for many of the corporate company's of America. By availing the services of OCC you, too, can improve your company's culture.

(ArticlesBase SC #88645)

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

KeRaguan Tidak Akan MeMbawa PeRubahaN

Kamu begitu berwibawa & berpengaruh bisa membuat orang tidak berdaya
Kamu begitu mempesona sehingga bisa mengalihkan perhatian orang kembali kepadamu

Kamu tidak akan berarti apa apa jika hati mulai berani untuk melangkah maju kedepan dan meninggalkanmu bahkan untuk melupakanmu selamnya
karena ada kata kata bijak mengatakan bahwa " Hanya orang yang berani menghadapi gagal total, yang akan memperoleh keberahasilan total"
untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan klik disini